Sunday, January 10, 2010

Two and a Half Years

It has been awhile. Quite awhile actually. A lot has happened in the ... oh my Word ... it has been 2 1/2 years since I have been on here ... crazy!!!!

Let's see ... I was pregnant, I had a baby, I had two babies (Thomas' biological brother who is exactly 3 months older then Ian lived with us for 5 months), and I trained for and ran the Portland marathon.

Since this blog is all about running, I'll give the cliff note version of training for Portland. I started training for Portland in June. At that time, I had a 6 month old, a 9 month old, a 5 year old, a 6 year old and a husband who was crazy busy at work and starting his own exercise regimen.

Most of my shorter runs and even some of my longer runs were done at night after the rest of the family had gone to bed. It is a mile to the library and back, but it is a lighted mile. Imagine running to the library and back over and over and over and over ... well you get the point.

In late August my mother in law came to visit for 5 weeks. She was able to help watch the kiddos during several of my runs ... but it was a stressful time none the less.

I believe it was the first week of October ... sad isn't it that I can't remember the exact date ... that I successfully ran all of the Portland marathon in 7 hours and 3 minutes. Definitely not a PR ... but it is still quite an accomplishment.

Which brings me to the here and now. I am starting my newest running adventure. I am in training for the Eugene Marathon which is 16 weeks from today ... on May 2, 2010.

I will be back ...

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