Saturday, December 31, 2005

Running in the Snow

Running in the rain ... that can be fun if the temperature isn't hovering just above freezing. Running in the snow ... that is neat, magical, relaxing even. Oh, it was just exhilerating ... especially on New Year's Eve ... the last run of the year ... what a special gift from Above!!!

The temperature was at a nice 36ish degrees and it wasn't a wet snow ... it was a dry big flaked snow that started slowly and then came down faster and faster until it was all around me. But the ground was warm enough that it wasn't sticking so I didn't have to worry about falling because of it.

Oh ... and my pace ... averaged out over 5 miles ... was 12:15/mi. I know to some that would still be considered snails pace, but that's booking it for me.

I felt so uplifted after today's run!

Running Stats

Running Time: 1:01:16
Running Distance: 5.00 mi
Average Pace: 12:15/mi

On the Pain Front ... my left hip has been giving me some problems. Not bad, just enough to know that it is there.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Still Here

Running Stats

Running Time: 37:39
Running Distance: 3.00 mi
Average Pace: 12:33/mi

Feeling Excited

I was reading my friend KT's blog (mom on the run link ... cool blog) and she must be going into week 4 of her training schedule, following 'The Non-Runner's Marathon Guide'. I'm watching her mileage increase and I'm getting excited for her.

I'm reminded of my first few weeks of training where I was seriously taking it 'One Day at a Time' for fear of looking ahead and freaking myself out and wanting to quit.

I've decided that this should be week one of training, though I still haven't figured out for what. I can honestly say that I'm eagerly looking forward to my long runs, I know what's coming and I say BRING IT ON!!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Ran Again

I hate to admit that I had my doubts that I would run again so soon without having a strict schedule or an end goal in sight. But I did it! This morning I woke up, said to myself I'm gonna go running, grabbed my running gear and got ready to go. I then waited for two hours while I waited for my house guests to be up and about ... they were kind enough to watch Megan for me!

I went out on a nice 4 mile run. It was nice to know that I do indeed have a four mile circular route from the house. Very helpful!

Still listening to "At Home in Mitford". So far so good ... it has my full attention and I'm anxious to get back out on the road so that I find out what happens next. Always a sign of a good book.

I still love my shuffle. I ran with it hanging from my neck again ... it's awesome!!! As far as I know it doesn't have a way to bookmark where I left off. I'm kind of worried that next time I listen to it that it will have lost my place and I'll have to start all over again. This morning I had the bright idea of 'rewinding' to see if I missed anything. It took me to the beginning of the audiobook and I had to spend my first three quarters of a mile 'fast forwarding' it to where I left off last time. Any grand idea's out there from you Shuffle users on a better way to listen to an audiobook? Maybe I should just read the instruction booklet that came with it. But seriously, that is one of the things I love about the shuffle ... I didn't need an instruction book to use it ... it was that easy!

Running Stats

Running Time: 52:31
Running Distance: 4.00 mi
Average Pace: 13:08/mi

Monday, December 26, 2005

On the Run Again

Today was my second run since the Marathon. The first one was on sore feet and I was only out for 2 miles. Today I felt great.

I had initially been planning on just waiting until after the first of the year when Megan started back up with preschool, but I woke wanting to run today. So I got up, got dressed ... then proceeded to spend the next two hours messing with my new toy ... an Ipod Shuffle. KT has got it right, this thing is awesome!!!

I am listening to "At Home in Mitford" by Jan Karon. So far so good. It is a multi-book series which I enjoy in general as I just can't stand it when a book ends. I'll review it after I'm done listening to it.

So my little shuffle that weighs next to nothing was on a necklace around my neck and tucked nicely between the two bras that I have to wear. About 2 miles into my run my chest just felt like it was on fire. I was starting to wonder if that was what it felt like to have a heart attack when I realized that it was the shuffle that was causing all that heat. Guess that's not a great place to run with it. I thought that if I ran with it just hanging on the necklace that it would bounce too much, but it was fine once it was released from it's confines.

I'm glad to be back on the road. I don't have a schedule that I'm following yet, which means I'll probably be pretty lackadaisical in getting my runs in. I need to sit down with a list of marathons and a calendar and get myself on a rigid schedule again!!!

Running Stats

Running Time: 38:46
Running Distance: 3.00 mi
Average Pace: 12:55/mi

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Giving Thanks

I ran a marathon ... the training for and running of the marathon was a very momentous time in my life. A time that I would not have had, had it not been for the love and support offerings of others and for this I want to give thanks.

I am so grateful to have the Lord Jesus in my life, without Him as my Rock I know I would not have even attempted something of this magnitude. With Him, all things are possible. I have said before that I ran alone ... but in actuality that just isn't the case. The one true running companion I had was my Lord and Savior. I carried on many a conversation and shared in some truly spectacular sights with Him during the long hours of training and the seemingly longer hours of the marathon. Thank you Jesus!!!

I am thankful for Jason, without his support, I literally would not have been able to do this. Training for a marathon is a very time consuming process. Towards the end there I was running almost 8 hours a week. This was time that was spent away from my family and time that I had to schedule for Jason to be home with Megan. Which in and of itself is great ... but it does make it more difficult when I am on a strict 'schedule'. I needed that schedule to get me through! He was my main source of encouragement and the external drive that I needed. When he told me he was proud of me, it made it all worth while!

I am blessed by my beautiful daughter, Megan. She is a momma's girl, but she never complained about the long hours that I spent away from her. She would get excited for me when I put my running gear on and would always talk about "momma go runnin". Training for this marathon was as much for her as it was for me. I really want to be a positive influence for my daughter.

A big thanks to my dear friend Christie, who inspired me and gave me the tools that I needed to accomplish this momentous task. I wouldn't have even considered that I, a complete non-runner ... someone who actually disliked the very act of running, could have done this without her planting the seed and nurturing it and then giving me a bit of a push and shove on occasion.

A huge round of thanks to KT, Em and Sarah Elaine who followed my progress, kept tabs on my whereabouts and spurred me on. They were a huge source of encouragement and their support meant more then they will ever know.

I also want to thank everyone who has stopped by and read my blog. The more people who read it the more I felt like I needed to finish it ... the marathon that is ... so that I could finish that chapter on my blog.


Marathon Recovery

Recovering from a marathon can be likened to childbirth. No, it's not as painful as childbirth. What I mean is with time you do tend to forget the pain and remember the joy. I am now two weeks post marathon, and though I do have some residual foot pain, I am considering myself recovered.

I do remember that my whole body was sore back at the hotel after the marathon. Jason ordered pizza and when it got to our room, I ate it laying down. What can I say, I was comfortable. My dear friend Christie once told me that she had some Thai food after her first marathon and it was the best she ever ate. A few weeks later when she went back for more because it was so good, she found out that it really wasn't. My pizza was awesome, canned mushrooms and all. Anyone who has ever eaten pizza with me knows that I will not eat canned mushrooms. But that was the bestest pizza with canned mushrooms ever!

I lubed myself up pretty well in an effort to avoid chafing, especially around the bra area. It worked, no chafing there. What I did not count on was that I had lost weight and that the sweats that I was wearing would try to fall off if the drawstring was not tightened enough. I ended up with several lines of chafing on my back from my sweats. I did not feel this when I was running, only afterwards when in the shower.

I know that I was sore on Monday only because I called Christie and told her about it. I have the memory of discussing it, not the memory of being it. She warned me that it would get worse on Tuesday before it got better. I called her back on Tuesday so that she could remind me that it would indeed get better. I remember at that point that the rest of me was fine and pain free (unless I was walking upstairs). It was my darned feet which had been cramping during the marathon that were giving me a hard time still and would continue to. It has gotten better, enough that I was able to transition from my slippers to my running shoes a few days ago. I'm not pain free, but I'm not pain ridden either.

I am ready to start training for #2!!!